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SSL Certificates

Secure your site and add trust & confidence for your visitors

Secure your site and add trust & confidence for your visitors

SSL protocol is one the most powerful way to protect your traffic against hackers and criminals. Remember, losing sensitive data of your customers means their losing trust!, SSL certificates protect all sensitive and private data transferring via websites and online systems. SSL certificates gain trust from end-customers and boost sales by increasing conversions. Certificates help to get higher ranking positions since Google added SSL certs to its algorithm.

RapidSSL standard

$17.95 USD/yr

  • RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers’ transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. The RapidSSL Standard certificate belongs to DigiCert® Inc, It is quite old and well-known certificate authority with thousands of sales all around the world. Just like any other Domain validation SSL certificate issuance process takes around five minutes.

RapidSSL WildcardSSL

$120.00 USD/yr

  • Need a solution to fit the low budget? Order SSL certificate with wildcard support and never pay for every single sub-domain a cent. RapidSSL products come with full support of unlimited sub-domains under the same domain name (common name). Issue SSL for *.yourdomain.tld to use it for my.yourdomain.tld, mail.yourdomain.tld, order.yourdomain.tld or any other sub-domain. Get unlimited free reissues during the lifetime period of SSL as a bonus.RapidSSL enables green lock in all browsers to prove that transactions are safe and website protected against criminals or data hijack attempts.

Sectigo PositiveSSL

$15.95 USD/yr

  • The Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA) PositiveSSL is one of most popular Domain validation SSL certificate in the World. It is a 2048-bit industry standard product with support of both RSA and ECC hash algorithms for a very low price. PositiveSSL comes with a green lock on the address line that helps customers to understand that their data are encrypted and kept private with a trusted SSL certificate. There is no any other so good SSL for small websites, start-ups, and other environmental protection.

Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard

$100.00 USD/yr

The Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard SSL is a very accessible product for a low-cost price. High 256-bit protection with SHA2 hash algorithm makes it competitive with major market players. It has great 99.6% browser compatibility with excellent mobile device support. Choose that SSL when need immediate protection right here right now.
It comes with unlimited free reissues, unlimited sub-domain support and unlimited free server licensing, that means it is possible to secure everything under same domain using many servers. Some competitors charge an additional price for every single server license. Use dedicated IP or SNI Technology to install PositiveSSL Wildcard certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our managed Float WordPress hosting servers are specifically designed and optimized for WordPress website. What does this mean for you? Faster load times, better security and web protection for WordPress related attacks as well as automatic updates.

Yes! Free email hosting is included all our hosting plans. The number of email addresses depends on the plan you choose.

Yes! Float Hosting prides itself on exemplary customer support. In doing so, we offer website migration services for FREE. All your content, databases and code will be moved safely over to our server. You can just sit back and relax while and let us take care of everything.

If you currently have or plan to build a WordPress website, then you would require some kind of hosting service for your website to show up on the internet. Then why not go for a hosting service like Float Hosting that specializes in WordPress hosting. Our servers are optimized for WordPress websites giving you faster load times as well as automatic updates.

Our managed WordPress hosting plans are structured for maximum value when compared to other brands. Enjoy more storage, more email, and free migration services when you choose HostGator managed WordPress hosting. Plus, if you ever need a hand, our WordPress experts are standing by 24/7/365.

Ofcourse! We understand that businesses needs change over time and nothing would make us happier than parterning with you through that phase. As your website traffic grows, you can change your hosting plan that can cater to higher traffic. Just get in touch with our support team and we’ll help you with the process.
And lastly, we’re not going to just ‘turn off’ your website if you blast through certain traffic thresholds… that’s just not good business, and it’s not how we roll.

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